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The next chaper for a much-loved member of our PSS Enliven community

When Lynn Morton joined the Presbyterian Support team in 2004, little did she know how wide and varied her involvement would become.

Posted: Tuesday December 22, 2020

Fostering a lifetime of friendship

Kelsi* and I were matched in 2009 in the Buddy Programme. We never lost touch after the Buddy Programme and still stay in close contact to this day. I could write a book on the different things we did.

Posted: Wednesday November 4, 2020

A courageous journey

Erika* has five children with ages varying from newborn to 9 years old. Erika’s family had Oranga Tamariki involvement due to care and protection concerns for the four eldest children and the spotlight was on Erika and her partner for the birth of their fifth child.

Posted: Wednesday November 4, 2020

Change of address, not lifestyle

When Murray Ramage wakes up each morning he often has an idea for a new project in his head. The Walmsley House resident is a whizz with timber and spends as many hours as he can each day working on projects in the garden of the care home.

Posted: Wednesday November 4, 2020

Peacehaven staff take Covid Pandemic head on

As the whole of New Zealand battened down the hatches in lockdown, PSS’ Enliven Peacehaven Village staff took the Coronavirus pandemic head on - offering up ingenious services and cooking up a storm to alleviate the impact of restrictive protocols and boost the spirits and welfare of its elderly residents.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

In Remembrance - Alan Matheson

It is with great sadness we write to inform you that Rev Alan Matheson passed away at Vickery Court on Wednesday the 22nd of July 2020 aged 83, 4 weeks after the sad loss of his wife Annette.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

Anonymous Donors' kindness lends Struggling Southland Families a Helping Hand

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor’s gift to PSS’ Family Works, four Southland families doing it tough during Lockdown were given a much-needed helping hand up.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

COVID Pandemic puts Retirement Plans on hold

There is no doubt the Coronavirus pandemic has put many New Zealander’s best-laid plans on hold – a case in point being intending-retiree Elaine Wells’ plan to spend quality time with her grandchildren, before master Tom was to join big sister Livie in his school debut.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

Specialist Dementia Care closer to home

PSS Enliven Peacehaven Village has opened ten previously-decommissioned beds in its refurbished secure dementia wing, Iona - effectively doubling its highest-level dementia care capacity and giving more Southlander’s living with the progressive condition opportunity to reside and access specialist care closer to home.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

Gratitude Corner - Invercargill Toy Library

This month we would like to extend our gratitude to the Invercargill Toy Library.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

Enliven's Pioneering Pastoral Care Service

PSS Enliven’s pioneering Pastoral Care service is being improved, with residents, families and staff set to benefit from a number of ‘spiritual wellness’ innovations being introduced across its aged-care residential settings.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

Volunteer Special: Ted Clark's amazing adventures

Volunteer van driver Ted Clark likes nothing better than to share his and wife Shirley’s sense of adventure with the residents of Walmsley House - Getting them out and about in the care home’s trusty van for a weekly blast around the South.

Posted: Monday August 10, 2020

Sharing Tales of World War II

Fresh faced and proud: uniformed young men look out from behind framed glass in a photograph that takes pride of place in Lewis and Nancy Nicholson’s comfortable double room at Peacehaven Village Resthome. It’s a permanent picture of the brave men of the 23rd Battalion, C Company, 12th Platoon, with...

Posted: Friday April 24, 2020

In Rememberance

It is with great sadness that Presbyterian Support Southland acknowledges the passing of Keith Ashley, Bob Dykes and Pat Goodwill

Posted: Thursday March 26, 2020

Community pitches in for Walmsley House Garage

With a healthy dose of kiwi ingenuity and a little ‘who knows who’ networking, PSS Enliven’s Property & Procurement Manager Mark Dowling has turned an old shipping container into a fit-for-purpose mobility scooter garage – And Walmsley House residents couldn’t be happier!

Posted: Thursday March 26, 2020

Maranga mai Murihiku

Maranga mai Murihiku previously known as the Te Whare Tu Te Whare Ora is an annual local Iwi led event that was held on the 23rd of February at the ILT Stadium Southland. This community event aims to support suicide prevention through connecting with others and building relationships through activities...

Posted: Thursday March 26, 2020

Christmas Spirit Alive and Well in the South

For many of us Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is the season of good food, gifts, goodwill and quality time shared with family and friends. But for some Southland families, the festive season heralds in overwhelming busyness, added financial pressure, estrangement or loneliness and sometimes,...

Posted: Thursday March 26, 2020

Gratitude Corner

This year we have been very fortunate to receive a very kind and generous donation from a local Southland family for the purchase and signage of a new van for our Enliven Services.

Posted: Thursday March 26, 2020

Resthaven evacuation goes according to plan

Rising river levels and inundating floodwaters sparked the overnight evacuation of residents from PSS’s Enliven Resthaven care home in Gore on February 5th - the execution of which went according to plan.

Posted: Thursday March 26, 2020

Serendipity heralds selection of new Chief Executive

Presbyterian Support Southland (PSS) board members and staff have recently welcomed new Chief Executive, Michael Parker to the fold.

Posted: Wednesday March 25, 2020