Fostering a lifetime of friendship

By PSS | Posted: Wednesday November 4, 2020

Kelsi* and I were matched in 2009 in the Buddy Programme. We never lost touch after the Buddy Programme and still stay in close contact to this day. I could write a book on the different things we did.

When Kelsi first became my Big Buddy, we spent many afternoons walking, skiing, baking, doing photoshoots, swimming and many more fun adventures.

One of the most special memories would be meeting her two daughters when they were first born. Myself and Kelsi's girls have had multiple sleepovers together which are always filled with fun memories.

Kelsi and I have taken multiple trips together. We went up to Wellington in 2016 to look at Massey University and went to World of Wearable Arts, which was incredible. In 2017 myself, Kelsi's daughters and friends went to Dunedin.

A few weeks before I left for university at the beginning of this year, myself, Kelsi, Kelsi's good friend and their children went out for brunch in Arrowtown and then went university shopping to get a few things. Then spent the afternoon hanging out at Kelsi's. Then a couple of nights before I left for university, we all went out for a little farewell dinner, including Kelsi's mother in law.

We had a delicious dinner, took lots of photos and just had a wonderful evening. It was one of the most special memories ever and I have all the photos printed and hanging up on my pin board at university. It took me a little while to decide to go to university, and I was about to not go but Kelsi and her good friend gave me a nudge to go, and I am always very thankful for that. I study a Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in Physical Education & Health at Otago. I am still yet to decide on a minor of either Community Health Care or Social Works. I am very thankful for the Family Works Buddy Programme.

*names have been changed for confidentiality reasons.