"Couldn't Wish for Better"

By PSS | Posted: Wednesday January 17, 2018

Frankton Court resident Ruth Mudge, says she couldn’t wish for a better place to live.

When Ruth Mudge was looking for somewhere to move to, it came down to two choices – a Frankton Court cottage or another retirement cottage.

She opted for a spacious two bedroom cottage at Frankton Court and says, looking back, the move was “extremely smart”.

Ruth is originally from Pennsylvania and, although she has lived in Queenstown for more than 50 years, still has a soft American accent.

Ruth enjoys her friendships with her neighbours, and says living in a community like Frankton Court works well – everybody looks after each other, but also gives each other space.

Gardens are done regularly, windows cleaned, there are views of the mountains, her daughter visits often and there is few places Ruth would rather be.

“I couldn’t wish for a better place to be, I really couldn’t,” she says.
“I can see the mountains … I lived by the lake for so long and I love it here… everybody is very friendly and kind, but they don’t encroach on each other’s space… we look after each other if needed.”

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