Lighting up Christmas for Southland Kids

By PSS | Posted: Wednesday December 20, 2017

Presbyterian Support Southland (PSS) has been overwhelmed by the generosity of the public, who have donated hundreds of items to give to Southland children this Christmas.

The PSS Central Office reception area has been overflowing with donated gifts for children, from toys to books and clothing and everything in between.

Hundreds of gifts have also been donated through the H&J Smith Christmas Tree Appeal, where shoppers have purchased gifts for children, and further gifts have also been placed under a special tree at ILT Stadium Southland as part of the annual Christmas Tree Festival organised by Waihopai City Lions Club.

Donations of non-perishable food items had also been very well received, and would be appreciated by families Southland-wide.

Family Works staff will now go through the donated items, and distribute age-appropriate gifts to children they are involved with, whose parents need support at Christmas.

Family Works Director Judith McInerney said the organisation had been inspired and humbled by the support people had shown.

“People are just so generous,” she said.
“We receive support during the year which is greatly appreciated but at this time of year it just goes up another level. Some really wonderful gifts have been donated, and there is no doubt that many, many Southland children will be having a much happier Christmas thanks to the spirit and kindness of those who have taken the time to donate either items for Christmas gifts or food.”
"We are also so fortunate that businesses and organisations such as H&J Smith and ILT Stadium Southland are so willing to support initiatives that enable the public to be so generous.”

Family Works Administrator Carol Brown said it had been heart-warming to see children giving gifts for other children.

“It has been so lovely to see the number of children giving gifts and parents encouraging them and supporting them to think of other children less fortunate,” she said.

Family Works staff will deliver the gifts to local children, alongside food parcels that were also made possible thanks to generous donations from the community, organisations and the public. 

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