Enliven Helps Light up ILT Stadium Southland

By PSS | Posted: Tuesday December 6, 2016

A Christmas tree decorated in the theme of Memories of Christmas Past is one of many decorated and displayed at ILT Stadium Southland, through a Waihopai Lions Club initiative. 

Enliven residents have embraced the Waihopai Lions Club’s Christmas Tree initiative, and have delved into the archives to source decorations from Christmases past.

The initiative is a Charity event, where different charities are asked to decorate Christmas trees which are put on display at ILT Stadium Southland.

Members of the public can place a donation towards charities at the trees.

This year any donations received at the PSS tree will go towards Enliven services.

The Waihopai Lions Club donated the tree to PSS and Enliven residents were asked to contribute decorations reflecting the theme of Memories of Christmases Past.

Vintage cards, toys, gifts and decorations were all contributed, along with crocheted decorations to adorn the tree.

Enliven Community Support Manager Lynn Morton said some decorations dated back as far as the 1930s, 40s and 50s.

“The aim is to make people stop and think ‘I remember that,’ or ‘I remember that from Grandma’s tree’,” she said.

Donations towards Enliven services can be left at the tree.