Old friends and good times remembered

By Petrina Wright | Posted: Wednesday March 6, 2024

Village residents, board members, staff, former colleagues and old friends came together in February to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Peacehaven’s retirement village.

“We had a blast. It was such a fun and vibrant afternoon,” village liaison Karen Harvey said.

“Acquaintances were renewed, laughs were shared, memories rekindled and stories were told.”

Guest speakers former Presbyterian Support Southland (PSS) chief executive Peter Wards and Enliven community services manager Lynn Morton shared the history of the village. Peter talked about the development from a project concept to the establishment of the first townhouse units in 2004. Lynn talked about the vision PSS had for happy, healthy and engaged retirements for those living in the village. She also reflected on the many changes that had occurred and the many activities residents had been involved in over the years.

“The outcome of that vision from 20 years ago was certainly evident at the celebration,” Karen said.

Long-time village residents Sylvia Forbes and Tony Watson did the honours cutting the birthday cake, and fellow resident Geoff Piercy provided the blessing for the high tea.

Not only was the birthday celebration a time to reminisce, but it was also an opportunity to look to the retirement village’s bright and enduring future.

Enliven supported living and community services manager Juliana Baxter said as PSS was about to embark on another chapter in the story of Peacehaven, with the proposed redevelopment of the original cottages, the celebration was a great opportunity to acknowledge and reminisce on the past, enjoy the present and embrace the future.

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