Young Parents

The Young Parents Service works alongside parents up to the age of 20, to enhance the health, development, education and social outcomes for young parents and their children.

What can this service provide?

  • a professional and confidential service
  • get to know you and assess with you what you want to work on
  • decide together on goals you wish to achieve
  • consider with you what other support you may find helpful from other places in the community and people you know and trust
  • make referrals to other agencies when required, with your agreement and introduce you to them at the time they become involved with you
  • we can work with others involved with you
  • advocate on your behalf when required
  • develop with you a Graduation Plan to prepare you for leaving the Young Parent Service

How do you become involved?

  • be a parent up to the age of 20 and have a child in your care or be pregnant
  • be experiencing issues for yourself and/or your child/children
  • require support and/or advice around parenting
  • be willing to work together on things that you are finding difficult
  • looking for a great life for yourself and your child/children

Things you might be finding difficult for yourself and your family

  • parenting, finances, housing, relationships, antenatal care, health, domestic violence, alcohol, drugs, lack of support, feeling isolated and alone, unemployment, education, mental health, a lack of goals and dreams for the future, and any other issues....

If any of the above relate to you, WE CAN HELP

Young Parents Service is an Invercargill-based programme, and is free of charge.

Sign up for this programme here
